Meet Our Founders

Co-Founder - Strategy, Operations & Treasurer
Sebastian De Smedt
In Sebastian's own words
"Football is not just a sport in Europe, it is part of our culture. We grow up with it. It is the leading topic for office chats, chats in the playground and when you catch up with your friends. From the moment I was able to pick a sport and join a club, I picked football because all my buddies were playing it and I saw all these star players on TV that inspired me to become a player myself. That initial spark and attraction to the sport resulted in me playing it for over twelve years in a club setting. Once I moved to a different city, at the age of 18, I stopped playing for my club but kept playing Sunday league. The sport also kept dominating my life ambitions. I switched my interest to the business side of the game and wanted to end up working at a professional club or work with and for the players in an agent position. Starting our own club is a dream come true, as this ties in all my interests and ambitions in one big project. I want to make this team successful and build a foundation for many years to come. This sport is part of my DNA, and I want to share that passion with everyone involved and interested in our Long Beach Team."

Co-Founder - Community Outreach & Digital Marketing
Willie L. Alexander III
In Willie's own words
"After I was done running track and field, I was in a mini-identity crisis. The only thing that helped was playing and following soccer again. LAFC joined the MLS officially in 2018, and I was hooked on their club identity from the beginning. I had forgotten how much love I had for the sport. Following LAFC and playing in an adult soccer league helped me cope. The sport to me is like fast-paced chess. So much strategy happening, so many moving pieces and I love watching every second of it. I'm also a dreamer. I find myself at times, daydreaming of bringing ideas to life in detail. I'm done dreaming, and excited to take steps to bring our idea into reality. Bringing a UPSL team to Long Beach is going to be a pleasure. We are Long Beach FC."
About Long Beach FC
Sebastian and Willie met in 2017 when they joined the sports management masters
program at Long Beach State.
Learning team 33 was the name of
their cohort and where they
became friends.